Saturday, March 31, 2007

Finally almost done!

Well, I started my "secret project" in the time I took off before starting this job, that was in November!!!! I started "secret project" in November....and ...well...still not done...but...I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO close!!!! so close so close!
I dare say I am in the "finishing" stage. I want this thing to be done soooooooo bad. Am I getting the point across that I'm ready to be done with this secret...I think it's nearly killed me!
There is a picture posted of it from a little while ago...while it was still less finished....I realized after I posted the pic, that said secret project could clearly be seen in said pic, but alas, I did not remove it, I thought, well, if someone who secret project is for is clever enough to read my blog, AND clever enough to notice secret project in the background and clever enough to know that it's for her, then she's a detective baby genious, and we should send her to super smart person school right now...cuz she's 3 freakin months old! Ha! I'm tired, and I've taken migraine meds, forgive my looniness.

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